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Why are international students choosing Kerala to study Ayurveda?

  • Post by: Admin
  • Date: 28-06-2024
Why are international students choosing Kerala to study Ayurveda?

Kerala, a state in southwest India, has a special place in the field of Ayurveda, an age-old medical system with origins dating back more than 5,000 years. 


The state is living proof of preserving and practicing Ayurveda, including ancient texts, Ashtanga Hridaya and Sahasrayogam. Kerala's traditional Ayurvedic doctors, or vaidyas, have historically handed on their knowledge to succeeding generations, guaranteeing the survival and advancement of this all-encompassing healthcare system.


Since Kerala provides the ideal destination for studying the ancient science of life, because of its well-known verdant scenery, abundant natural resources, and rich cultural legacy, it has become a major Ayurvedic destination, drawing in practitioners, scholars, and health enthusiasts from all over the world. Hence the amount of Ayurvedic course in Kerala has increased by over 40% in the last five years, with numerous amount of students from other countries joining the course. 


In this blog, “Why are international students choosing Kerala to study Ayurveda?” we will explore the reason behind the increasing popularity of why Kerala is chosen as the prime destination to master Ayurveda.


Historical Significance of Ayurveda in Kerala


Ayurveda, which is known as the “science of life,” has its roots back in the Vedic period over 5,000 years ago. Kerala is home to an ancient medical system such as Ashta Vaidyas, belonging to eight legendary families who have safeguarded and developed Ayurvedic wisdom for generations. Other contributions of specialized treatments like Panchakarma, a five-fold detoxification therapy that is renowned worldwide, and Ashtanga Hridaya by Vaghata have been a fundamental part of Kerala’s Ayurvedic education system.


Ayurveda is also culturally woven into the daily life of people in Kerala. It is evident from their dietary habits, seasonal health rituals, and festivals. For example, during the monsoon season, there is a dietary habit followed by people in Kerala to boost immunity. Also, festivals like Vishu and Onam highlight Ayurveda’s influence in creating dishes that promote health and harmony. The Vishukani meal prepared during Vishu is made by including medicinal herbs for health and prosperity and Onam’s dishes symbolize balanced and seasonal nutrition. 


Ayurvedic concepts are reflected in Kerala's ancient architecture as well. Such as the Nalukettu homes, which provide maximum ventilation and natural light to promote well-being. Numerous Ayurvedic spas and wellness centers can be found all over the place, and their treatments draw in both residents and visitors looking for holistic health.


Quality of Education


Kerala is a renowned place for its esteemed institutions that stand in Ayurvedic education. One among them is the School of Ayurveda & Panchakarma in Kannur which is established in 1997. The courses here are accredited by the STED, (Scientific and Technical Education Development Council), Kerala, giving them international recognition. 


Kerala's Ayurvedic universities offer a comprehensive curriculum that includes modern medical sciences, hands-on clinical training, and traditional literature like the Sushruta Samhita and Charaka Samhita. Students will obtain a comprehensive understanding of the area by learning about Ayurvedic pharmacology, toxicology, surgery, and general medicine. The faculty members who teach here are scholars who have many years of experience and who have contributed to Ayurvedic research. Their in-depth knowledge in this area ensures the students receive academic proficiency and a thorough understanding of this field.


The international credibility of Kerala's Ayurvedic education depends on the acquisition of international accreditations and recognitions. Institutions that maintain high standards and make sure that education matches international norms include the Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) and the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH). These accreditations improve the university's capability and will pave the path for the recognition of degrees internationally. This will benefit the graduate's chances of getting a job. Student's perspectives and prospects can also be expanded through collaborations with international research institutions and universities. Which also introduces them to international developments in Ayurveda.


Practical Training Opportunities


Kerala is one such place where the colleges and universities provide practical training in Ayurveda, offering students to attain hands-on experiences in practical training. Students from the esteemed colleges like School of Ayurveda and Panchakarna actively Participate in patient care under the supervision of skilled professionals, developing diagnostic abilities and learning about traditional therapies including Nasya (nasal medicine), Abhyanga (therapeutic massage), and Panchakarma (detoxification). This exposure to the clinical facilities strengthens clinical aspects and a deep understanding of the subject and personalised patient care as well.


Students benefit from modern research facilities, libraries containing contemporary and ancient literature, and guidance from academics who are experts in the field of Ayurvedic research. Engaging in research not only improves their analytical and critical thinking abilities but also prepares students to make a significant contribution to the ongoing worldwide dialogue on integrative medicine.


Overall, Kerala's this extensive approach to practical learning and Ayurvedic research guarantees that graduates not only attain academic knowledge but also clinical proficiency. That's needed for the research expertise to succeed as Ayurvedic practitioners and researchers all over the world.


Government Support


Kerala's government actively promotes financial accessibility for Ayurvedic study by offering scholarships to international students that cover living expenses, accommodation, and tuition. These policies also encourage collaborations between international universities and Ayurvedic schools in order to raise academic standards. Kerala's ayurvedic colleges expedite the admissions process for foreign students by using online application systems, providing program-specific information, and having committed international offices. Admissions are further facilitated by educational consultants with expertise in international recruitment. With the help of language assistance, orientation programs, and convenient housing, Kerala's friendly atmosphere guarantees that foreign students will fit in well both academically and culturally. These programs demonstrate Kerala's dedication to spreading awareness of Ayurveda throughout the world and provide extensive assistance to foreign students who wish to study this ancient practice.

Because of these key reasons, Kerala stands as a prime destination for Ayurveda studies. Encouraging many potential and aspiring students to study Ayurveda in Kerala. If you are ambitious to study Ayurveda, enroll in one of the top Ayurveda college in Kerala, the School of Ayurveda and Panchakarma, and acquire the knowledge you seek.