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Ayurveda treatment for cholesterol - Udhwarthanam

  • Post by: Admin
  • Date: 26-06-2024
Ayurveda treatment for cholesterol - Udhwarthanam

Ayurveda helps the body achieve its natural state of well-being by balancing the body's doshas. Every human body has these “doshas” at varying levels, and any imbalance throws our entire well-being out of place. So, how can we approach Ayurveda to tackle specific health concerns, like high cholesterol?


Have you ever heard of Udhwarthanam? It is this incredible Ayurvedic therapy that does so much like managing cholesterol, it is like a deep, rejuvenating massage using special herbal powders customized just for you. Just imagine how refreshing that would feel! Not only does it help with cholesterol, but it also makes your skin glow, melts away stress, and tones your muscles. Do you wish to learn more about how Udhwarthanam can totally transform your health? Continue reading the blog ‘Ayurveda treatment for cholesterol - Udhwarthanam’. And if you are into exploring Ayurveda further, checking out our Marma courses in Kerala could be your next level toward wellness.


Udhwarthanam - An Overview

Have you ever heard of Udhwarthanam? Udhwarthanam is a technique that existed in the process of Ayurvedic treatment centuries ago and is famous in popular Ayurveda treatment center in Kerala; it is famous for its great qualities in the way of detoxifying one’s body and also helping in shedding some extra kilos. The technique can be comparable to a deep tissue massage, but instead of oil, fine herbal powder is used. They are full of goodness and based on the type of body and the health condition, the powders are selected. The best part? The massage is performed in an upward manner and aside from giving a warming effect, it aids in metabolizing the fats that are stored in the body. Oh, it is like bringing yourself a natural supplement for the body and also a detox emanating from the outside!


Interested in what it takes? Perhaps, a massage by this therapist involves sliding movements that are in a stroking manner atop your body. This is not just any ordinary massage with the rough feel of the herbal powders adding to the rhythm and with these organized strokes that can actually improve one’s blood circulation and metabolism. It gives the feeling as if I have awakened my body metabolism, you know, the natural mechanism of the cleansing system. Moreover, it makes your skin smoother and healthier since it dries up most substances making the face look bad. Therefore if you are seeking a complete cure or bodily therapy that entails no chemicals and is natural then, Udhwarthanan might be a holistic remedy for your wellness program. Did you or any of your family members ever use any Ayurvedic remedies before? If not, it’s not that late to start, give it a try today!


Udhwarthanam for Cholesterol        

Do you wonder about what magic can Udhwarthanam do to manage cholesterol? Well, continue reading to know what this procedure does to your body. 


Improved Metabolism

Here, the massage will stimulate all the metabolic processes giving a better action to your fat-burning organs and brains which are beneficial in breaking fats and cholesterols. Sounds good, isn’t it? These metabolism enhancements help your body handle fats better, which is a good thing when it comes to controlling cholesterol.


Enhanced Blood Circulation

Udhwarthanam involves vigorous, strokes that move up towards the limbs; this enhances the movement of lipids, or fats, in your bloodstream. This helps them not to deposit along the blood vessel walls thus minimizing chances of blood circulation blocks and largely heart complications. Have you ever felt sleepy inattentive or dull and thought that better circulation might be the answer to your question?



This is a significant factor in reversing the effects obesity has on the body. Further, this treatment enhances the elimination of toxins in your body to advance your general well-being. That is like a facial cleansing that does not only make you feel good and alive but actually assists in enhancing your lipid-required ratios. Drinking detoxifying products can greatly help one change the way the body handles cholesterol from time to time.


Weight Loss

Since Udhwarthanam involves aggressive movements towards specific areas, this can help you reduce fat deposits in certain parts of the body. The process of losing body fat automatically positively impacts your cholesterol, a factor that comes with a rise in body fat. In your formative years have you faced the challenge of obesity or find yourself trying to supplement weight loss strategies?

Benefits Beyond Cholesterol Management

So, we have covered how Udhwarthanam can help with cholesterol, and here comes the list of even more benefits to your health and well-being. Now, let me go over these bonus benefits that might just convince you to give it a try!


Skin Health

Ever wanted smoother, glowing skin without harsh chemicals? The turf for which Udhwarthanam's herbal powders work like a gentle exfoliant, sloughing off dead skin cells and promoting fresh, radiant skin. This is literally like transforming your skin naturally! Isn’t it nice to have skin that not only looks healthy but also feels the same?


Stress Relief

There you are, lying down on a bed, which gives you a rhythmic massage that frees your mind from tension and stress. Bathing itself is one of the oldest forms of relaxation, and massage as described in the Udhwarthanam is something beyond relaxation. Indeed, it is simply amazing; one feels rejuvenated after one or two sessions, it is like having a mini-holiday for the body and mind. What sort of service would you prefer for yourself or your loved ones when choosing a massage?


Muscle Tone

This is a bonus trick to get a toned body without an intense exercise routine. The muscle tone may be improved by engaging in Udhwarthanam routinely as part of the session. These therapeutic strokes are again helpful in improving muscle definition and consequently the overall physical look. Who amongst us would not want to gain more muscle mass and feel a lot more comfortable in one’s own skin?