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Can Ayurvedic cure Piles and Fissures?

  • Post by: Admin
  • Date: 25-01-2023

Is Ayurvedic medicine effective in treating piles and fissures? The answer is ayurvedic remedies are used to cure piles and fissures in some persons. They can avoid surgery by using home therapies such as olive oil, aloe vera gel, or a hot sitz bath.  However, such treatments are only effective in the early stages of the disease, when the rupture is acute.


Understanding piles, what are piles?

In basic terms, piles are enlarged blood vessels in the anal region. It can be internal or external, depending on whether it is located inside or outside the rectum.


  • Chronic Constipation
  • Increased frequency of motion due to conditions including dysenteries.
  • As a result of obesity or pregnancy 
  • Smoking
  • Genetics


Ayurvedic Perspective on Digestive Issues Related to Piles

According to Ayurveda, the three doshas, namely Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, are related to piles, fissures, and the digestive issues that lead to them. According to Ayurveda, each human has a bi-doshic nature, which means that the traits of two doshas are more dominant than those of the third.

Depending on the Dosha dominance in your body, the condition might vary. In the case of piles, for example, the problem is frequently caused by low Vata and Pitta levels. Most Ayurvedic medications for piles work to improve Dosha levels and ensure that Agni (the body's digestive fire) is improved and functioning properly. If you want to learn more about ayurvedic practices, we offer the best ayurveda certification course in Kerala.


What are fissures?

They are recognised as a rip around the anus and are quite painful.


  • As a result of Constipation, diarrhoea or strenuous exercise
  • Straining of bowel movements 
  • Childbirth


Ayurvedic Perspective on Digestive Issues Related to Fissures

One or more of the following doshas and characteristics may worsen 'Fissures,' according to Ayurveda. If you have an excess of one of the doshas or characteristics listed below, Ayurveda advises avoiding foods and lifestyle practices that irritate them.

Some tested remedies are used to a fissure in Ayurvedic therapy for a fissure to promote healing. The technique is used to treat, mend, and soothe the fissure. The treatment is performed three to four times at regular intervals. In the early stages of the disease, this medication effectively heals it.


How can Ayurvedic medicine help in treating piles and fissures?

To manage and treat piles and fissures, Ayurveda uses a holistic approach through medications and panchakarma therapies. The goal is to restore and preserve the natural equilibrium of the three Doshas, as well as to promote overall health. If you are interested to know more about treatment practices, you can join the diploma in Panchakarma distance learning course.

Furthermore, several beneficial plants can be used to create excellent Ayurvedic medications for haemorrhoids. 

Our ayurveda Institue in Kerala offers the best courses in the state regarding holistic ayurveda treatment in Kerala. 

  • Jatyadi Oil 

The oil has antibacterial and wound-healing properties. It relieves itching, burning, and irritation. It is an antimicrobial oil, but consult your doctor before using it. It is said to be effective for mild lesions; however, if the fissure is serious and painful, you may need to use this oil in conjunction with other Ayurvedic medications such as Rajat Bhasma and Gandhak Rasayana.

  • Triphala Guggul 

Triphala can provide long-term treatment for piles. Triphala is a nutritious blend of three powerful herbs: Amalaki, Bhibhitaki, and Haritaki. Triphala's chemical structure makes it a good agent for constipation alleviation.

Guggul is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb used in Ayurveda. Guggul, also known as Balsamodendron Mukul, reduces inflammation, controls haemorrhoids, and can provide immediate and long-lasting relief from piles.

It avoids constipation and softens the faeces, which is the primary cause of anal fissures. It is also an analgesic. However, if the patient suffers from mild constipation, he should choose Gulkand or Triphala Churna.


Dos and Don'ts to prevent Piles and Fissures 

Let’s look at some of the natural tips to manage piles and fissures naturally.

  • Don’t hold the urges

Sometimes we ignore our urges and put off going to the restroom. Certainly, we all lead hectic lifestyles. However, it will jeopardise our health.

When humans ignore their desire to pass stool, the stool in the intestine can become hard and dry. This hard stool will be harder to pass later and may raise the risk of developing haemorrhoids.

  • Improve your diet 

The digestive system is a vital component in your body that starts with the food you eat and eliminate its wastes. A healthy digestive system is essential for preventing and/or managing digestive issues such as haemorrhoids.

  • Exercise regularly 

Regular workouts can certainly have an impact on your digestive system. However, a sedentary lifestyle can interfere with the way how your digestive system works.

Note: However,  do not indulge in heavy lifting, squatting and other strenuous activities if you have an existing haemorrhage condition.